Persuasive Essay Sample on Elective Cosmetic Surgery

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Medicine
đź“ŚWords: 599
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 29 September 2022

Several states have considered prohibiting elective cosmetic surgery. States believe cosmetic surgery is a tremendous waste of time and has too many health risks. Those critics have a point, but doing anything can kill you. Whether it's walking, waking up, surgery, etc. Elective cosmetic surgery should not be illegal because of sexual harassment and medical reasons.

Sexual harassment is appearing daily, and if changing their physical appearance helps them handle it, let them get the surgery. Losing control of your body to someone you trust or even a stranger is horrifying. From 2010 to 2020, an estimated total of 137,398 lawsuits were filed for sexual harassment. In 10 years, over 100,000 people had to go through something that was that terrifying. (Content Agency, 1). Men are using women for their bodies, which isn't right. If women are already getting the surgery because they feel they're not good enough or they are being used, what will happen if they are sexually harassed or raped? Do people think that makes women feel good enough or they haven't just been used? No, it does not. Women should not have to be scared to wear leggings in public, or maybe even a cropped top, without worrying about someone will stare. It's their body, and you staring or making inappropriate jokes takes that feeling away. In 2019, 124,817 people were arrested for rape or sexual assault. (Gale, 1). Both genders are sexually harassed, and if someone just needs to change their looks to feel safer, let them be. How many people will know the feeling of losing control of their bodies? The feeling of losing control of your body isn't worth banning surgery.

If cosmetic surgery gets banned, how will people who get surgeries to help with burns, scars, and/or infants who might have a birth defect get the help they need? Congenital disabilities account for roughly around 20% of all infant deaths in the U.S. Around 7.9 million infants are born with Congenital disabilities per year. (Gale 1). Fires, car accidents, and broken bones are all injuries that could require plastic surgery. In 2018, 499 homes were caught on fire. (Batten 1). Accidents kill around 5% of people in the United States. (Tyrkus and Schwartz 1). No one will be perfect and make no mistakes in their life. To take away the one thing that might help them get better that's extremely cruel. What's more, cosmetic surgery does so much more than people think, it saves children, babies, and adults. Infants have no control over accidents; don't be the person to ruin a child’s life.

Before going into cosmetic surgery, doctors warn patients that they might get BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder). When you don't recognize yourself at all anymore. If you let your anxiety, insecurities, or depression build-up, you could start to smoke or do drugs to make all those feelings go away. Doing drugs also leads to not recognizing yourself if you do it too many times, so at least with surgery, it is a 50/50 shot. There is an estimate of 47 million Americans misusing drugs. (Mulligan 1). Around 5 million people suffer from BDD. (Ojeda 1). BDD is a major problem and I'm lucky enough not to suffer from BDD, but 42 million people suffer from drug abuse compared to Body Dysmorphic Disorder. 

When one thinks of banning elective cosmetic surgery, sexual harassment, and medical conditions, it is clear to everyone that banning this surgery will do more harm than good. Someone needs to stand up for what is right, otherwise, you will be the reason someone dies or they have no future because of a mistake. Children have plenty of time to make mistakes and throw their life away just because people don't see eye to eye about the surgery. Everyone makes mistakes. It just depends on how many and how bad they are. Don't let this be your next mistake.

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