Negative Consequences of Personal Cars Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 256
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 16 October 2022

Cars have revolutionized transportation ,however, negative consequences of the use of personal automoviles may outweigh the advantages. Do cities need to stop using cars? How can we stop using them?

Switching from personal cars to another means of transportation is not going to be cheap, so we have to establish a way to make it economically feasible. We have various ways to do it, an option would be to increase taxes on the price of cars, currently we have an IVA tax on the price of personal cars of 21% raising this tariff to 41% may lead to people stop buying cars while preferring going by foot to places that are near or using public transport. As well, governments can take loans from public global institutions like World Bank to finance projects to make cities pedestrian and public transport friendly.

Now that we have a plan for financing this change in our cities, it is necessary to plan how to spend the budget we have so citizens stop using personal automoviles.  City councils could invest in public transport, developing new projects like new subway lines, newer buses, creating places where you can rent a bicycle. In addition cities if cities want to prohibit cars they must change how they are designed and decentralize government  important places so people does not have to move from their neighborhoods and can make all their government procedures from their phone or their neighborhoods.

To my way of thinking, cities must start adapting to the new lifestyle of their citizens by changing the way they are designed. This may not be cheap but is the next step forward that needs to be made.

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