Life Choices in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Literature, Poem
đź“ŚWords: 1048
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 07 October 2022

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost first published in the year 1916 portrays the dilemma that one has when it comes to life choices. The poem itself goes on to describe how different choices (and in this case paths) have different consequences. The general idea is that we make life choices or take paths and move forward, it might not be the desired path but it is a choice that was made thus having to live with it. The whole poem itself opens with a strong hint of imagery. Along with imagery, the author incorporates other elements such as symbolism, theme, and tone to create one of his well-known poems. In life there comes the time when you must choose whether it’s the desired choice or otherwise not so fond of, the decision must be made. 

Symbolism is one of the major poetry elements that is used in this poem. In the poem as the author walks along, he is presented with two paths. “And sorry I could not travel both; And be one traveler, long I stood” (Frost, Lines 2-3). Both with similar traits, but it is hard to decide on which path to take as shown in the poem. After that, the author picks a path and decides to go along as he thinks that they are similar and perhaps even better than the other one. This symbolizes real life. How we have choices to make every day in our lives. Whether it’s a small one or a life-changing one, choices are needed to be made every day. The dilemma is to choose between two identical paths symbolizing the choice that must be made. The diversion also symbolizes the confusion of having to make a choice that is impossible to see what the consequence would be.

Another major element of poetry that is used in this poem is Imagery. The use of imagery in this poem makes it easier to relate to and makes it easy to understand. The poem is very direct and wastes no time with unnecessary words. The author begins with “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (Frost), which creates a primary image of the poem. He further describes how there is a curve, and the sides are covered with forest hence him not being able to see what’s further along on either of the paths to make it easier to decide on which path to take. This shows that the two different paths are covered with forest making its beautiful scenery. As for the paths themselves, one of them as described further along in the poem is covered with grass and the other one looks as if it is less traveled. With this description, the author tries to paint a picture where he is provided two similar paths. One which has more people traveling on hence the path or in this case in life people choose this path more saying that it might be easier. The other where it seems like fewer people travel on it hence more than likely to be a rough path to take. In general, the poem also shows that there might a situation where you are presented with two choices where one seems to be more popular and seems easier, the other one might be less popular and might seem tougher but who knows it might lead to a greater reward, on contrary to taking to easier route with more of a satisfiable reward or no reward at all. In his criticism overview, Jay Parini can be seen talking about which path the author took. “Frost wants the reader to know that what he will be saying that he took the road less traveled, is a fraudulent position, hence the sigh” (Parini). This also shows that it’s not a bad decision to take the safe route. It doesn’t make you more or less of a person. It just helps to become the person you desire to be. 

The use of poetry element theme can also be seen in “The Road Not Taken”. As the poem starts the author can be seen trying to live in the moment or seize the moment. The poem presents a person who does not know what to do when he gets to that diversion. He can be seen contemplating which route to take. As the poem goes on the main theme of the poem is revealed which is the piece of choice or uncertainty. The author must make the choice on which path to take. He is uncertain because it seems that he has no idea what would be at the end of it, as pretty much everything we have no idea what would be at the end when we make a choice. As pretty, he also has a hard time deciding and doubts that the choice that he has made would be the wrong choice. Another theme appears that is repetition. As the author Jay Parini says in his criticism overview “As if the reader hasn't gotten the message, Frost says for a third time” (Parini), discussing how the author keeps reminding the readers that the paths are similar. Further along in the poem, the theme of indecisiveness can be seen. The author can also be seen as overthinking. Which is the next main theme. The author has a hard time choosing between two paths and can also be seen thinking way more than what is necessary. This leads to even more confusion both for the author and the reader. In his criticism overview, Robert Faggen can be seen talking about how the thought of regret can make the situation much worse. “Exhausted possibilities of human experience diminish great regret over "the road not taken" or bravado for "the road not taken" by everyone else” (Faggen). As Faggen discusses how regret can play a huge role in one’s ability to make a decision.  He also discusses that” The poem leaves one wondering how much "difference" is implied by all, given that the "roads" already exist, that possibilities are limited” (Faggen), how a simple situation can be made difficult with overthinking. The author had to simply choose between two paths, but the choice got complicated when started to overthink it. 

As life goes on everyone is presented with the choice which they must make a decision and move forward with it. “The Road Not Taken” showed using symbolism, theme, and imagery how life presents life choices in form of different paths, which you are unable to see the end of, and how one might look easier and the other one might look tougher, or both would be similar, at the end of the day you have to make a decision. Eventually, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you.

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