Essay Sample about American Jury System

📌Category: Law
📌Words: 291
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

The American jury system was a way for the founders of our constitution to give citizens a feeling of power and self governance (doc B). Yes, the American jury system does provide these things to citizens but one could argue that many other things also provide these same qualities to citizens. Jury duty is an old idea that has no fundamental proof of being a positive enlightenment on the American court system, there are many reasons why the jury system should be abolished, the front runners of these being that jurors are inexperienced and unqualified, they hold bias and predagists, and there decisions are not made from evidence.

Jurys are not qualified to decide the verdict of a case. Judges have to go through years of rigorous school and training before they are qualified, yet jurys need no experience or qualifications to make the same and just as important of decisions. Because jurors have no experience, their ruling and views on cases will not be accurate to that of a licensed judge, especially if a case does not yield a sufficient amount of evidence and the verdict is decided on the testimonies presented in a court hearing.

Jurys can hold bias and predegajusts (doc D). Jurys are likely to base their decisions on how someone looks and acts and whether they look the part of a criminal instead of listening to the hard evidence, testimonies, and statements presented in court (doc D). Jurys may  have predigists that a person placed before them is in the wrong doing because they feel they must have done something wrong to be accused of  a crime juries see cases as them VS. the criminal, instead of them VS. the accused (doc D-cartoon 3). therefore they might vote to convict the accused so that they have the feeling of having brought safety, virtue, and justice to the state.

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