Control in 1984 by George Orwell Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, George Orwell, Literature
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 October 2022

In the book 1984 by George Orwell the main topic is control, control of the people, control of their minds, who they love, what they do and most of all what they think. Similarly we are falling more towards the way Orwell writes about. Technology is moving closer and closer towards the moves of Big Brother, in the article “That’s not My Phone, It's My Tracker” by Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan they point out similarities in which one may see now.

In Orwell's book the people of Oceania are constantly being watched and monitored by a Totalitarian government. In the book Orwell writes “There was, of course, no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment.(pg.21)” This can show that Winston had no idea when he was being watched. Just as we know whether or not we are being monitored at any given moment. In the article the author states “It appears that millions of cellphone users have been swept up in government surveillance of their calls and where they made them from.” This feels as though it is something from 1984 rather than a freedom. The holder of the phone is being listened to just like Winston and every other civilian in that book. The freedom of having a phone seems very unfree. 

As technology develops one may feel that we are inching closer to Big Brothers moves. In the article one states “The phones transmit location information to the cell carrier and keep track of the number you call, but they are not connected to you by name.” This shows that the population is moving more towards the Big Brothers way. Getting a prepaid phone is just like having a diary. In the book one reads “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, everybook rewritten…” This is similar to having a “Burner Phone.” Your information is erased and non traceable. The only way to somewhat avoid being monitored is by getting a disposable phone.

Having authorities nonetheless random people know your location is scary. In the article “That's Not My Phone. It's My Tracker” the author states “They see everything, they’re aware of our position, our relationship to other human beings and other robots, they mediate and stream information around us.” There is no protection from technology even if you chose not to partake in it. Everywhere you go has it included in its day to day cycle. In the book Orwell states “Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen.” This shows one that you can turn your back on the technology but your surrounded by it either way. Weather you chose to shun it or partake in it, you cannot always have your back turned. Even when you choose not to partake in the modern change in society you can't shun it completely. 

All in all, whether or not one likes it or not we are slowly changing, moving ourselves closer to Big Brother. Maybe not all of one's rights are revoked but privacy is still a large issue. This is why one may believe that we are slowly approaching Big Brother because of the use of technology.

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