Choosing a College Course (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 261
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 07 October 2022

Choosing a college course is really challenging, plus, there are many factors one should consider. It is generally agreed that it's always better to think twice before making such an important decision. Firstly, many students have financial problems, the vast majority of them live far away from a college and can't afford to pay a living fees, added to this, a cost of transportation. Secondly, courses should offer students opportunities to study efficiently, what's more, young students are able to learn enormous amount of information with less difficulty and input. This is why, factor of costs should be considered, because many students working and also attending college courses, can't concentrate on their education, and their productivity is alarmingly decreased. It's worth paying attention to the fact, that young student, having more cognitive abilities to learn faster, need to use these opportunities as effectively as possible. This brings us to another factor, the reputation of the course. Many students doubt that they made the right decision, applying certain courses. As many of them believe, that they will have less opportunity to shine, or be successful in certain fields, such as science, caused by the difficulty of it. However, the reputation of the course is not only dependent on how challenging it is, but the techniques, with which highly qualified professors teach. In fact, some well-known courses offer internet learning, not only enabling students to become efficient learners, but also, eliminating the issue of finances. On balance, costs should be considered before reputation, as there are a lot of grants to help with the cost of college. To my belief, everyone has different point of view about college course, according to how it met their standards.

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