Animals of The Congo Basin Essay Example

📌Category: Animals, Entertainment, Environment, Extinction
📌Words: 383
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 October 2022

The Congo Basin is a vast environment rich in wildlife and biodiversity. The Congo Basin is home to many species such as mountain gorillas, bonobos, and forest elephants. Unfortunately, these species are endangered and need help immediately. Luckily for these species, there is an organization called the World Wild Life that is helping them out. I will be exploring why mountain gorillas, bonobos, and forest elephants are endangered and what the WWL is doing to help them and their environment.

The Congo Basin is home to many species of Ape. One, in particular, is the Mountain gorilla. These fantastic beasts are endangered, with roughly more than 1000 being alive. That population number is since they have to suffer through habitat loss, poaching, disease, and many other circumstances. Although their population numbers are low things have been looking up for them. Conservation efforts have found success and the mountain gorilla population is increasing.

Another animal that roams the Congo Basin is bonobos. These adorable species of ape are endangered, ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 being alive right now. There are many factors to their endangerment. Some include poaching and habitat loss. Bonobos poaching is for their bushmeat, and humans are destroying the environment in which they live. 

The Congo Basin is also home to the African forest elephant. These poor animals are critically endangered and are in dire need of support. These colossal beasts suffer through many hardships such as poaching of their horns, habitat loss, and human-elephant conflicts. Due to these circumstances, the elephants have no were roam, and their population declines fast. Their extinction would also negatively impact the environment they live in; since they are crucial for the germination of plant life. 

Despite these animals' low populations, the WWL have made it their responsibility to help them. The WWL have taken many precautions to help these animals. For example, their attempt to stop poaching by ending the hunting of African forest elephants. Another example is that the WWL is attempting to save forests so animals such as the Mountain gorilla and bonobos can live safely. The WWL and their actions have been incredibly helpful to the population growth of these endangered species.

Although these animals are struggling right now, the WWL and their efforts to save them have been incredibly impactful. With a little bit more time and more support, these endangered species will flourish with life and will roam around freely. The WWL is a beacon of hope for these species and is crucial to their survival.

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